Technology Policy and Other Fun Stuff

Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to remind you that OPEC will be an "unmod tech" committee. This means that although laptops are permitted in committee, you can ONLY use them during unmoderated caucuses and ONLY to write resolutions (no research). Please refrain from using your laptops or phone (or pager I guess) during any other part of committee. We will also SOMETIMES allow 1 delegate from a delegation to sit outside the room to type up resolutions during other portions of committee (but not always- we'll decide on a case-by-case basis).

More details about the tech policy (and a bunch of other policies, on everything from awards to plagiarism) can be found at Make sure to give this page a read-through before conference.

As always, feel free to reach out with any questions.

See you all in LESS THAN TWO WEEKS!


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